Venture V8 Eric Koston Polished Trucks Set(2)


With the new V8 baseplate you can customize your truck position forwards or backwards. The new trucks also feature an extended kingpin and pivot housings for increased strength. 

  • Eric Koston pro model truck
  • Solid axle and kingpin
  • 8-holed baseplates
  • Beefed up baseplates for added strength and longer life


Size information: 

5.0 - 7.62" axle - for decks 7.9" and smaller

5.2 - 8" axle - for decks 7.9" - 8.1" 

5.6 - 8.25" axle - for decks 8.1" - 8.3"

5.8 - 8.5" axle - for decks 8.4" - 8.6"

6.1 - 8.75" axle - for decks 8.62" and